Sunday 18 March 2012

Week 8 Update

Yesterday the Year 7 & 8 staff visited Hanmer for camp planning purposes and a bit of a soak in the hot pools. It was a gorgeous day and we got very excited about our camp which is now only two weeks away. If your Health Profile and Contact form is not yet back at school, please fill this in and return it ASAP. Students are putting in bunk room requests and we have a special Camp Hui for students this Tuesday. Thanks to those people who have sent in food donations already.

Those children who offered to help out at the school fair should have brought home a notice on Friday. Please complete and return the reply slip ASAP.

Learning Conferences are coming up next week on Tuesday March 27 and Wednesday 28. If you have not yet booked a learning conference for your child, please do so on School Links or call the office. This is a fabulous opportunity for your child to share their learning and next steps with you; we expect to have conferences with every child and their parent(s).

We have seen some fabulous home learning on 'Begin with the end in mind'; it was fascinating reading about each child's career plans. The final home learning assignment for the term has been posted on this blog.

Our softball sessions with Kendra have finished, but enthusiasm for softball is running hot. We will be holding some inter-class challenges over the next two weeks. Who will win Scobby?

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