Thursday 29 May 2014

Week 4 update

Many thanks to those of you who came along to the Cashmere High talk at school on Tuesday night.

We've had another fabulous week in the Intermediate Hub, here's a snapshot of some highlights...

One of the Family. On Monday afternoon we were treated to an inspiring talk from Norm Hewitt and the SPCA. Norm left us thinking about how we can make the best of our lives and the impact that caring for animals can have on how we take care of each other.
'It was AWESOME!!'

Exploring Matter in Science: On Tuesday we continued our learning journey about matter. We conducted a series of tests on 'Monster Muck' to determine if it was a liquid or a solid.

Writers' Workshop: On Wednesday and Thursday 11 of our talented writers worked with a Rachel Douglass from Canterbury School for Young Writers. They have created an interesting tale about all the goings on at a movie theatre, with lots of interweaving of characters. The children were highly engaged.You can read their work by clicking on the 'Our Learning' tab above.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Technology at South

Tuesday morning is a weekly highlight for many students, as they design, create and test in digitech, hard materials, food and textiles...

Exploring robotics in digitech.

Year 7 Coast and Plains in action.
Year 8 Mountains and Forest created uniquely designed speakers.

Night lights.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Cross Country and Unlimited Open Night

Awesome effort from our cross country teams at the Zones today. Special congratulations to those who finished in the top six places, qualifying for Canterburies:

  • Kimberley, Tait, Matt, Melanie, Dom, Cameron and Nathan

Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery, Year 9 - 13 Open Night 2014

Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery is a newly merged state funded year 1-13 school (the merged schools were Unlimited Paenga Tawhiti and Discovery 1). Our senior campus (Years 9-13) is called the Dovedale Campus, and is situated at the Wairarapa Campus of the University of Canterbury, situated on Parkstone Ave, Ilam. We offer individualised and accelerated learning opportunities for a select number of secondary students. 

We will be holding an Open Night on 28 May 2014 at the Jack Mann Auditorium, from 6-9pm. Come along to find out more or visit our website at

Monday 12 May 2014

Lots of enthusiastic physical activity...

A big well done to all who put their best foot forward in the cross country today. Lots of rosy, relieved faces crossed the finishing line. A special well done to the top six in each race who will represent Beckenham at the Zone event on Wednesday May 21st.

The basketball season is underway. We have three teams in the Year 7 & 8 competition this year, including our first ever girls team.