Tuesday 14 August 2018

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 3, Week 4

Well it is all go in the Intermediate Hub at the moment! A big thanks to those students who took part in our open evening for Year 6 families last Monday evening. We were very proud of how well the children spoke and the confidence they displayed. Our ski trip on Thursday was a real highlight for many. Watching the children's persistence and enthusiasm on the slopes was heart warming.


Yesterday, Cantamath projects arrived at school. The standard of the work was most impressive. I will include some pictures at the end of this post. Many thanks for the encouragement that you provided at home with this work.

Next Wednesday, the whole hub will head off to Horncastle Arena at 9am, returning at 10:30am, to view the Cantamath exhibits. This will help with ideas for the future and we can celebrate the successes that we think many of our students will achieve. A request for a donation of $2.50 towards this trip will be added to your school account.


As you are no doubt aware, speech writing is a key focus in our hub at the moment. The children are writing stories that are either original, retold or retold with a twist. These speeches need to be finished by this Friday. Tomorrow would be the perfect opportunity for these to be worked on at home. Please, encourage your child to share their speech with you. The competition guidelines state the speech should be 3 minutes (no more than 4) long. On Thursday we will look at presentation tips. Next week on Monday and Tuesday there will be opportunity for practising the presentation of speeches. Interacting with the audience, making use of pauses, including gesture and speaking clearly at a steady pace, are all important things to practise. Previous feedback encouraged the children not to place emphasis on memorising their speech and to instead put more focus on delivering their speech in an engaging manner.  The more opportunities to practise at home the better. Speeches will be presented to home-groups on Wednesday and Thursday. Any child who feels they cannot present their speech to their home-group has the option of recording their speech as a video, which the home-group will view. Finalists will be selected from the home-groups to compete in our Year 7 & 8 Speech Final on Monday afternoon, August 27th. We have two teachers from the English Dept at Cashmere High School coming to judge this competition.


Every Tuesday afternoon Will works with the children to develop their hockey skills. Here are some photos from today's session.

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