Friday 5 April 2019

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 1 Week 9

Ready for Camp on Monday:

Raincoats for camp: A number of children have shown us jackets that will not protect them if they are out in the rain for two hours. There are also a number of children who have not had their coat checked.  Most activities will go ahead if it is wet. The forecast is for two days of showers next week. If you are able to ensure your child has a waterproof coat before Monday, that would be great. We will be taking some spare jackets from our ski day supply.

Key reminders:

  • Check gear list for all that is and isn't needed on camp. This is repeated at the end of this post. Those staying in tents will need a stretcher or something to sleep on
  • Make sure all bags (including sleeping bags - if loose) are named on the outside
  • Arrive at school at the normal time on Monday
  • Keep daypack on back and leave gear bags on the basketball court
  • Mediation needs to be in a named bag and handed to home-group teacher on arrival at school
  • Put baking in labeled boxes in Maker-Space
  • Those who are making pasta bake dishes, these will be packed in chilly bins when you arrive at school.
  • Daypacks need to contain: lunch, water bottle (full and named), sunhat, warm hat, raincoat, inhaler (if needed), sunscreen
  • If parents need to contact us during camp, please call Nicky on 0276229403
  • Get lots of rest over the weekend and an early night on Sunday. We want fresh, well-rested children to take on camp.
  • We will be back at school by 3pm on Friday.

Cheese Rolls Mission Complete!

We were so impressed with the way all of our tamariki rose to the challenge of making 400 dozen cheese rolls yesterday. Their enthusiasm and focus were outstanding. A special thanks to our parent helpers and those who provided equipment. I'd also like to acknowledge Sam, Ellie, Gemma and Freddie who led the team with deep thinking, encouragement, and resilience. We have raised $1700 and my freezer is jam-packed with cheese rolls to sell, with soup, as another fundraiser next term.

Show Quest:

We are underway with dance rehearsals for Show Quest and have been really impressed with the attitude and effort that the team is displaying. Show Quest have asked us for permission to publish any photos they take during the event on May 21st. Please email us if you would rather not have your child in these photos. Please mark May 21st in your diaries. The children will be at the Town Hall all day and into the evening. We bus them there in the morning and you arrange to collect your child at the end of their performance or at the end of the evening.


Most of the children will be wearing either street-wear or school uniform in our performance. Some will need a plain black base of footless tights / track-pants and a camisole top or t-shirt. We will also need to make up around 27 'floaty' skirts. These will be pretty easy straight line sewing. Please fill in this form if you are happy to help sewing these skirts.  

Please fill in this form if you are able to help out with our school cross country.
Please fill in this form if you can help with our winter sport programme. We are very short on offers so far.

Hagley College:

Hagley College have asked us to share these bullet points with Year 8 families who may be thinking about enrolling their children:

  • We're a Designated Character School.
  • We provide a different learning environment and delivery models from other schools.
  • We offer a broad curriculum.
  • There are only 125 places available in Year 9 for 2020.
  • Criteria for priority enrolment is on our website.
  • Our Targeted Learning class is very small; only 2-3 places will be available in 2020 due to returning students.
  • GATE students are able to excel in their specialty fields.
  • Our values of Whakamarumaru (Responsibility), Mana (Respect), Whakawhirinaki (Trust) and Tika (Integrity) are an integral part of the College.
  • Social action and student leadership are actively promoted and celebrated.
  • Enrolment for Year 9 2020 opens on 8 May 2019 and closes on 21 June 2019. It is essential to apply during this time.
  • A ballot (if required) occurs on 4 July 2019.
  • Notifications regarding places occurs by 12 July 2019.

Check out our website for more info:

Camp Gear List (supplied by Wainui)

Please ensure all of the items below are named. Gear needs to be packed into a sturdy bag.

Warm Sleeping Bag or Bedding
Fitted sheet
Toiletries: toothbrush, toothpaste, soap,  deodorant (not spray), shampoo etc.
3 towels
Warm waterproof jacket
2 warm jerseys
6 T-shirts
3 pairs of shorts
3 pairs of trousers
Socks and underwear
Thermals longs and tops
Swimming togs
Warm hat / beanie
Sun hat
2 pairs of lace up shoes, including one pair of sneakers that can be used for water activities.
Gumboots or jandals
Small Backpack
Water Bottle
Any Required Medication
Plastic bags for transporting wet clothes and shoes home
Lunch for the first day
A book

Optional Items

extra clothes, bedding, toiletries, cards, diary, wetsuit, camera etc

Do not bring

Money or valuables
Spray deodorant
Pocket knives
Sweets or energy drinks
Electronic equipment*

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